How Can One Improve in Abstract Oil Painting

Jul 09, 2024

Do you want to improve your abstract oil painting to the next level? Well, it is quite easy if you develop your creative skills. As they say, “Every artist was first an amateur.” Whether you are a student who wants to learn how to paint for better grades or an individual who is looking for a hobby, this guide is just for you! Did you know colorful abstract painting in San Francisco is an excellent way to improve attention, express creativity, and develop a deeper awareness of the world around you? Let’s learn some tips on how you can improve your abstract oil painting.

Tips And Tricks To Improve Colorful Abstract Painting In San Francisco

1.     Do Not Rely on The Outside World

If you have ever studied abstract art in detail, you must be aware that it is not dependent on any material elements. They may not make sense to everyone since they rely so heavily on lines, colors, patterns, and shapes. However, the primary characteristic of abstractionism is that it does not depend on actual objects from the outside world.

An Abstract artist attempts to explore their inner self in order to express their emotions on the outside, which has nothing to do with material things. It’s an unrestrained way to express yourself.

2.     Study The Masters

Nothing will help you become a better artist than studying the great masters. Seeing their colorful abstract painting in San Francisco would help you have a better understanding of your own abilities. You can enhance your own work by using theirs as a model.

You can start by performing a basic exercise. Choose a master’s artwork, then look for patterns in it. After you become comfortable with the patterns, start breaking them down into individual shapes. This will help you understand how the painter produced that piece and brought the composition together as a whole. Remember, capturing the crux of the painting is more important than trying to replicate the original.

3.     Do Not Follow the Conventional Guidelines

A common concern among new artists who have never produced abstract artworks is that they will do it “wrong.” They consistently overlook the fact, nonetheless, that abstract art differs greatly from traditional art. Since the goal of abstract painting is expression, it’s important to relax and not think about perfection.

The first step to colorful abstract painting in San Francisco is to shift your mindset and look for an alternative interpretation of abstract art. Before, only use your creativity at its best and free your mind from external thoughts.

4.     Do Not Fret Over Stretched Canvas

You don’t need to get a stretched canvas if you are making abstract art. If you study any modern abstract painters closely, you’ll notice that a large number of them use unstretched canvases rather than ones that are primed and stretched. You can get an unstretched canvas in any size from a store if you still want one for instant usage.

You can use gesso to give your canvas a colored background and then add some color to it. However, you also have the option to work directly with a medium-density fiberboard (MDF) and forego the canvas entirely. After applying gesso to MDF, acrylic paints fit perfectly to it.

5.     It’s Not a Free Pass for Lack of Skills

Many abstract painters ignore quality standards because they misunderstand the origins of abstraction. They have accepted the idea that anything can be considered abstract art, but that is not the case. It’s important to free your thoughts, but that doesn’t mean you should disregard the importance of painting.

A colorful abstract painting in San Francisco is enhanced by a solid understanding of color theory, composition, work balance, light, and shadow to express certain elements or emotions.

6.     Understand Space and Surface

The way in which space is used greatly influences the composition of an abstract artwork. Knowing which spaces to leave blank is just as important as filling in the blanks. Every piece contributes to the composition’s balance once you learn how to arrange the space on your canvas.

It is preferable to begin with a bigger surface area when it comes to the canvas. It’s quite understandable that beginners might not consider working on a bigger surface because they are afraid of making mistakes. However, what they do not realize is painting with a larger canvas will enable them to take a step back and assess their work.

Final Thoughts

Repetition of painting the same item is a great approach to improving your painting technique. Make small adjustments to your painting technique each time. As you get better at your craft, it will be interesting to follow your artistic development.

We hope your journey with oil painting goes well! If you are looking for inspiration in colorful abstract painting in San Francisco, you can visit our website – Creative Hope Art. We have a huge collection of artworks that can assist you in understanding all about oil painting and art textures. Explore our artwork today!